SOM P2P Committee Recognizes Role Models at NYMC

The School of Medicine (SOM) Peer to Peer (P2P) Committee celebrates the exemplary students of NYMC with Professionals of NYMC, a forum for students to recognize each other as peer role models and showcase students who demonstrate the ideals valued most as future healthcare professionals

April 10, 2017

P2P Committee Recognizes Role Models at NYMC
InTouch 12-19-16

The School of Medicine (SOM) Peer to Peer (P2P) Committee celebrates the exemplary students of NYMC with Professionals of NYMC, a forum for students to recognize each other as peer role models and showcase students who demonstrate the ideals valued most as future healthcare professionals. The initiative recognizes students in the NYMC community who embody the school's core graduation competencies, including outstanding acts of patient care, interpersonal and communication skills, collaboration and professionalism. It is the hope that Professionals of NYMC will inspire all members of the NYMC community to make a positive difference in the lives of others. One selected winner per class will receive recognition in their Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) during the application to residency process. Have you seen a classmate do something awesome and inspiring? Send your nominations to

The Professionals of NYMC
April 2017

Award Winners

InTouch 4-10-17  

Nicholas Macklin, SOM Class of 2017
“I had asked Nick to help me come up with an Excel program to help with couples matching and generating a list of possible combinations of pairings. Instead of a quick Excel program, he designed from scratch a couples list generator that takes into account distances from each program, ranks by each individual, and multiple combinations of each! Only fourth-years who are couples matching will understand the complexity of this program—and he did it in less than two weeks. His willingness to help and go above and beyond not only shows how great of a colleague he is, but also his desire to help others with his selfless service. He is a man of great character and I am glad to be able to call him a friend.”

 InTouch 4-5-17  

Eric Stumpf, SOM Class of 2018
“Eric can always lighten the mood and put a smile on your face. He is always willing to go the extra mile for his classmates and his patients. In his downtime, I’ve seen him keep his patients company and get to know them more. He's also very cognizant of our classmates’ feelings and body language. He always asks if everything is alright or if anything is bothering you. There’s no one in the hospital who has a bigger smile and will always say hello. He is an upstanding individual and we could all incorporate a little part of Eric into each of our lives.”


 ‌InTouch 4-10-17  

Ebrahim Afshinnekoo, SOM Class of 2019
“Ebrahim, better known as “Batman” by our class, is a kind, generous, funny and compassionate individual. He is friendly to everyone he encounters, demonstrated by the many students, faculty, and staff he stops to say “hello” to if you just walk with him on any given day. He always takes time out to check in on you; give you a pep talk and a hug when exam day anxiety creeps in; and he often goes out of his way to help anyone who needs it. His altruistic character is further exemplified by his involvement in the Medical Educator’s Society, organizing review sessions before exams and teaching others in our class. He is often found roaming the mods before exams, studying in one room, teaching in another, and helping people with questions in another. He truly is a genuine and selfless individual who deserves to be recognized for all that he does and the light that he brings to our class."

 InTouch 4-10-17  

Ida Azizkhanian, SOM Class of 2020
“Ida has been such an excellent source of support for all who know her. Ida truly has a large heart and is always willing to give her peers (myself included) an inspirational pep talk, listening ear, piece of advice, or shared commiseration. Ida’s comradery is refreshingly unique. She is never afraid to tell it like it is and dole out tough love as needed. Additionally, in the spirit of P2P, Ida possesses a very strong, innate moral compass. With her supportive, yet straight-forward nature and her strong sense of what is right, Ida is truly a professional and an excellent future physician.”



Additional Student Nominations

Class of 2017

Priya Rajgopal
Priya has been an outstanding friend during medical school, but her support during interview season has been tremendous. She has housed numerous students interviewing near her home and we are all very grateful.

Class of 2018

Adam Gordon
Adam Gordon works diligently to make sure that students know their voices are heard at NYMC. He constantly discusses new ideas and makes himself available to give advice even with his hectic schedule. I most admire his ability to make what must require excellent interpersonal skills, dedication and energy look so seamless. I'm grateful to have him as a mentor and a spokesperson. He is a true professional at NYMC because he is always looking for ways to make us shine brighter.

Sean Koerner
Sean is incredibly active in many student organizations and his efforts at improving the student experience at New York Medical College are commendable and greatly appreciated by his fellow peers. He is a great leader and advocate who works hard to ensure that his colleagues are working in a safe and supportive learning environment. He goes above and beyond in looking out for his peers. Sean is a consummate professional with great skills in medicine, leadership, and communication. He has done an excellent job as Liaison Committee chair this year.

Class of 2019

Akram Hossain
Akram has been a good mentor since the day I arrived on campus and is always happy to offer support and advice. He is a hardworking student and still manages to make time for people to help them succeed when they struggle. 

Bronwyn Long
She went out of her way to make my transition to medical school as easy as possible, and is always there to offer guidance in navigating first year. 

Jennifer Vasquez
Jen is very empathetic and professional in everything that she does. She is always there when you need someone to talk to and will always lend a helping hand. She embodies integrity and compassion. 

Kevin Shayani
Great kid, everyone likes him.

Maya Rubin
Maya is the best mentor/big sib and just an awesome person to be around. She goes above and beyond to help others both as a friend and classmate and she definitely contributes a lot to the med student community. NYMC is a better place because of people like her!

Musaub Khan
He is a positive presence on campus and is always available for advice. He is unafraid to call you out from across the street and brighten your day with a smile.

Terrance Dolan
Terrance is my M2 mentor and co-director of the Arrhythmias. I met him back in my first week of medical school, when he reached out to welcome me and answer any questions I had. Since then, he has more than fulfilled his mentor duties as an incredibly compassionate person and friend. He always answers my questions (and I've pestered him with a lot over email, text, and in person), and is unfailingly positive and helpful. He really struck me with how supportive he is to others, and how much he genuinely cares, through both his words and his actions.

During the Arrhythmias rehearsals, Terrance is a very patient and encouraging leader. He's very inclusive of everybody in the group and incorporates group feedback. He's put a lot of effort into this group, and it shows. I was hesitant to co-direct the group, because of my doubts about first year, but he's made it a great experience so far. He's very easy to work with, and the times when I can't make rehearsals, he steps up without hesitation to lead the group on his own.

Beyond my interactions in rehearsals, Terrance has also shown me how kind he is in general. He baked me brownies before my first test as a good luck treat, and that was really sweet (pun intended). In December, I had to deal with a lot of health issues, on top of the normal school stress, so that month was not a very good time for me. A few days preceding my test before break, Terrance surprised me at my door with a gift mug and well wishes for my exam. I almost broke down crying, because no one else has gone out of their way to check up on me, or treat others with the type of kindness that I see him give on a daily basis. He cheered me on at a time when I felt that medical school was just a silent beast that I had to conquer on my own – he really made me feel cared for and not so alone. Terrance is the single most helpful, kind, encouraging person that I've met here yet. I have no doubt that he'll go on to be an amazing, compassionate, hard-working physician and friend to those he meets in the future.

Class of 2020

Boruch Goldstein
Boruch has been a great friend throughout medical school and is always ready to help in any way (including making sure everyone is awake on exam day). Although he is going through some rough times of his own, he still remains positive and strives to succeed as a medical student and a future physician.

James Stevenson
He really took charge of writing our White Coat Oath, and did a good job of making sure the whole class could contribute their opinions.

Jennifer Tornay
Jenn is not only tirelessly optimistic and friendly, but she is always ready with a compliment and never fails to help a friend when they are in need. If everyone was as unfailingly kind as Jenn, the world would be much better place.

Precious Okunbor
She's always there to listen and add insightful advice whenever needed.

Yitzchok Kantor
He is extremely friendly and likeable individual. Although he commutes and has a family, he never fails to emulate the qualities of an exemplary medical student and future physician.