School of Medicine (SOM) Seeks MMI Interviewers
The SOM Office of Admissions is seeking clinicians, faculty, staff and community members to serve as interviewers for the 2021-22 interview season.

The admissions program uses a scenario-based interview format known as the Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI).
What is the MMI?
The MMI process is specifically designed to assess personal attributes of medical school applicants. These include professionalism, empathy, cultural competency, ethical grounding, critical thinking, interpersonal and communication skills among others.
During the MMI, applicants rotate through a timed, scenario-based interview circuit. Interviewers are assigned to a specific scenario station. The interviewers’ role is to facilitate a brief, focused discussion about the scenario with each applicant who rotates through their station, and use their judgment to rate each applicant using specific evaluation criteria. Scenario topics cover a broad range of subjects; specific medical knowledge is not required. Training is required prior to the beginning of the interview season to ensure interviewers understand the MMI process.
Who are our MMI interviewers?
Our volunteer MMI interviewers are key stakeholders to the school’s mission and represent a broad range of perspectives relating to medicine and health care. In addition to clinicians, basic science faculty and college staff, interviewers include NYMC alumni, medical students and residents, nurses and other allied health professionals, public health experts, social workers, legal professionals, education experts, patient advocates, former patients, leaders of community organizations as well as community members at large. (Individuals with close family members planning to apply to medical school within the next three years are not eligible to be interviewers.)
What is the time commitment?
The interview season runs from the mid-September through March. Interviews take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Interviewers are asked to sign up to interview one afternoon per month on dates they schedule in advance at their convenience. More frequent participation is always welcome. While a monthly commitment may not always be possible, interviewers who cannot interview during a particular month are able to double up during another month when their schedule is lighter.
The MMI afternoon begins at noon with a lunchtime briefing session about the scenarios. Background information and discussion questions for each scenario are reviewed. From 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. there are two consecutive MMI interview circuits with a 15-minute break in between circuits. Typically, there are nine applicants per circuit. Lunch is provided and refreshments are available throughout the afternoon.
Who should I contact if interested?
If you would like to get involved, please contact Jamie Zelig, administrative coordinator in the SOM Office of Admissions.