SOM Welcomes New Slate of Officers to Student Senate E-Board

SOM Student Senate are already hard at work.

July 19, 2021
Student Senate Headshots pasted together in a side by side fashion
NYMC Student Senate

Though the new academic year has just begun, members of the School of Medicine (SOM) Student Senate are already hard at work. Comprised of 21 peer-elected student representatives from all classes, the Student Senate's mission is to serve the student academic community by representing the concerns and ideas of their peers to administration and working to develop initiatives that will help improve the lives of their classmates. InTouch reached out to the new executive board of the Student Senate officers.

Rajkumar Pammal, SOM Class of 2023   

Rajkumar Pammal, SOM Class of 2023, President

"One of the most defining aspects of the New York Medical College community is our commitment to humanism in medicine as we develop into resilient, passionate physicians. Much of this is due to student-led initiatives that promote camaraderie, shared curricular interests and diversity and inclusion. As Student Senate president, I am excited to help build upon such initiatives and enable new, innovative ideas to come to fruition. Some plans for the upcoming year include supporting service and volunteerism efforts, enhancing alumni relations for mentorship opportunities and expanding student mental health and wellness resources. Additionally, students should always feel free to reach out to me or any Senate member with comments, concerns, or suggestions to improve our collective medical school experience. I look forward to serving my fellow classmates in this role as we continue to learn and grow together."

Alborz Omidian, SOM Class of 2022

Alborz Omidian, SOM Class of 2022, Vice President

“As vice president of the Student Senate, my main objective for the coming year is to help ease the transition back to in-person campus life. Our student organizations have gone through more than a year of remote operation and the entire student body is eager to come together again—to learn together, break bread together and continue fostering the sense of community that makes New York Medical College great. As the only fourth-year student on the Executive Board this year, I have the pleasure of acting as an advisor and mentor to a young and enthusiastic Student Senate leadership. Their energy is exactly what we need to hit the ground running and bounce back better than ever. It is going to be an amazing year and we are all excited to start making it a reality.”

Katherine Lo, SOM Class of 2024

Katherine Lo, SOM Class of 2024, Treasurer

"As we gradually return to more in-person activities this year, my goal as the Student Senate treasurer is to partner with other student organizations to further strengthen the sense of community and congeniality here on campus. Along with facilitating the UWorld and Sketchy group discounts, I aim to streamline the event planning and reimbursement processes by creating infographics and other visual aids. I look forward to being the point of contact for student activity finances; and working closely with students and club leaders to fund initiatives and events that help enhance the student experience here at New York Medical College."

Timothy Sullivan, SOM Class of 2024

Timothy Sullivan, SOM Class of 2024, Secretary

“As a member of the E-board, my job is to represent not only my Class of 2024 but the entire School of Medicine. Anyone from any class can feel comfortable coming to me with any suggestions or concerns they would like to see addressed. As secretary, my job is to talk directly with our deans and our student body to ensure everyone is properly represented at our Student Senate meetings. You can look forward to me sending out notes every month to summarize what has taken place in our Senate meetings. There are also a number of initiatives that the E-board and Senate as a whole are excited to embark on to better our school experience. With the E-board we have assembled for this upcoming year, I am excited to see all the amazing feats we are able to accomplish.”

Roy Miller, SOM Class of 2024

Roy Miller, SOM Class of 2024, Outreach Coordinator

"A distinguishing attribute of New York Medical College is our sense of community, and the sentiment that it is only through group success by which we can best serve our future patients. Since arriving on campus, it has been my goal to take an active part in nurturing this community, both within our classes and with those of the past and future. As the outreach coordinator, I hope to strengthen the bridge between current students and our extraordinary alumni network that has expressed great willingness and enthusiasm to mentor and shape the future generations of NYMC physicians. Through initiatives such as NYMC Connect, alumni collaborative clubs such as the Benjamin Rush Institute and a variety of mixers, students will be able to interact with those who walked the same halls as them and went on to make great impacts in medicine. Of course, I am always open to suggestions from the NYMC community, and remain available to any student, alumni or faculty alike interested in mentorship and collaboration with the NYMC student body."