Student Housing Superintendent Visar Zeka Brings More Than 15 Years of Experience to NYMC

Mr. Zeka Approaches His Multifaceted Duties With The Comfort Of Students In Mind

July 25, 2022
Visar Zeka, superintendent of student housing
Visar Zeka, superintendent of student housing

The maintenance team in student housing at New York Medical College (NYMC) plays an important role in student campus life—addressing and remedying any issues that may arise in the student residence halls, Grassland I and Grasslands II. Visar Zeka, who has more than 15 years of experience in property management, joined the NYMC community in January, as superintendent for student housing. He shared some insight into his responsibilities and how he and his team help ensure students can focus on their studies in a comfortable and safe environment. 

What are the primary responsibilities of your team?

Our primary responsibilities are to attend to any maintenance requests that may arise in student housing units, ranging from draining issues to appliance problems to room temperatures. We also routinely check the buildings to make sure everything is in working condition.

What is a typical day like for you? 

I start every day by touring the buildings for a visual inspection. Then I check the work orders that were submitted for items to be checked or fixed. If there is an emergency work order, we respond as soon as possible. Sometimes it can get busy because there are a lot of students and property to tend to. The most important thing is that the students and their needs are taken care of.

What do you like most about the job?

There are many things I like about NYMC. I used to work in New York City, so it’s a lot quieter and calmer here. Everyone here at NYMC is polite. It’s a different environment that is good for me and my family. There’s also great communication within the staff and I get along great with my colleagues. I’ve been very happy interacting with the students. They are friendly, very understanding and very appreciative of my help.

What would you like your NYMC colleagues to know about you?

I am a friendly person. I’ve been doing this type of work for 15 years and I enjoy working with different people. I’ll always try and do my best for the students to be happy. I know that if someone is asking for help, it is for a reason.

What advice do you have for students?

I would tell students to enjoy living on campus as much as they can without worrying about any potential issues with their housing. I want them to know that whatever they need, they can come and see me. I’ll try and help and provide as many resources as I can.