Rebecca Nguyen, SOM Class of 2022, Looks Forward to Future as a Family Physician

Selected By Her Classmates to Give the Student Address at the SOM Commencement Ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Envisions Herself Helping Her Community as a Local Physician

May 16, 2022
Rebecca Nguyen, SOM Class of 2022

Rebecca Nguyen, School of Medicine (SOM) Class of 2022, has spent four years at New York Medical College (NYMC) where she has created bountiful fond memories, friendships and connections with faculty. Ms. Nguyen aspires to be a physician focused on family medicine after graduation. 

What inspired you to pursue your degree?

I loved math and science and literature in school, and I wanted to learn more. My parents are both nurses and they both found the medical field to be a rewarding one. Going into medicine was a combination of getting to dive into the subjects I loved while feeling like I had done something valuable with my time.

What has helped motivate you along your educational journey? Have you encountered any challenges along the way?

One of my biggest struggles in my education has been figuring out ways to afford college and medical school. I will be paying off my loans for quite a long time, but I also acknowledge my privilege to have even been approved for the loans. Another challenge I have had is with the sheer mental and emotional load of going through medical school. My friends and classmates are the ones who have helped me the most through many of those times because they reminded me that I was not alone in my struggles.

After you graduate, what is your dream career?

My dream career is to be a family medicine physician and to be a big part the community I am in, where I help advocate for healthier lifestyles for my patients.

What made you choose NYMC?

What stood out to me when I visited NYMC was how every student I talked to seemed genuinely happy to be attending the College. That, and its proximity to my hometown, made it a great fit for me.

What has been your favorite aspect of being an NYMC student?

My favorite aspect of being an NYMC student has been getting to be a part of a big, friendly class. From Halloween celebrations to challah making, it has been really fun to try new things and have fun with my classmates.

What faculty member has had the greatest influence on you here?

Dr. Rebecca McAteer Martin [M.D. ’08, clinical assistant professor of family and community medicine and advisory dean for the Branch House] has been an incredible mentor for me. Her grace and her kindness continue to leave an impression on me. She makes space for talking about difficult subjects and for talking about the art of medicine. She has been an incredible support for me both academically and personally over the past four years.

What advice would you give applicants or incoming students?

Take a break. In medical school I have found that it almost feels rebellious to take a break during the first few months. It is so hard not to compare yourself to other students and to feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of material presented. It is important to protect the things that make you feel happy and to protect your time to rest.

Outside of your studies, what are your hobbies or interests?

Outside of my studies, I love chatting with my roommates, hunting down the Hudson Oven Sourdough Cabinet and planning my outfit for the next Renaissance Faire.

Are you a part of any student organizations or interest groups?

I am a member of the American Medical Women’s Association, Family Medicine Education Consortium, American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and Quill and Scope—the NYMC student medical journal.

What is a fun fact about you?

I once made an entire auditorium of people do the wave seven times in a row.