StuHe Begins 2022-2023 Academic Year With Sights Set on Professional Development

The Club Is Looking Forward to Increased Participation And In-Person Events

October 19, 2022
StuHe Meet and Greet
StuHe officers held a meet and greet on September 7.

The Student Healthcare Executives (StuHe) in the School of Health Sciences and Practice embarked on the 2022-2023 academic year with a meet-and-greet session as the group looks ahead to a year of supporting and connecting with public health students and their interests. Allison Asher, far left, vice president of StuHe, and Jaskunwar Singh, far right, director of communications and social media for the club, gave a closer look at what StuHe has planned for the year.

What are the main goals of StuHe this year?

We hope to provide students and faculty a space to showcase the required skills and passion for working towards better public health in post-COVID-19 times. We also hope to have more people join StuHe and work with us to develop and grow as public health professionals.

Are there any major events planned for this year?

We are participating in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk this month and are planning a mock interview session in collaboration with Health Care Leaders of New York.

Is there anything you'd like potential members to know about StuHe?

We work together as a team of public health professionals with a clear vision and aim to make a difference in healthcare settings by encouraging the involvement of students and faculty from all schools and programs of New York Medical College (NYMC) to help with organizing events, community outreach programs, fundraising and advertising every year.

What do you hope students will get out of participating in StuHE?

We aim for better education and awareness about prevention strategies in healthcare with improved management. The students must acknowledge their role as future healthcare providers and researchers for the provision of improved quality of healthcare to the public and create a change in the health behavior of all, especially with lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022-2023 StuHE Officers 

President: Maryam Albarakati, center
Vice President: Allison Asher, far left
Director of Communications and Social Media: Jaskunwar Singh, far right
School of Medicine Liaison: Rachel Stern