StuHE Officers Gear Up for an Active Academic Year

The Student Group Serves as a Valuable Resource for Future Public Health Professionals and the Community

November 08, 2021
StuHE group

Professional development once again will be the focus of the Student Healthcare Executives (StuHE) Club in the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP), who recently elected new officers. The group boasts more than two decades of dedication to equipping students with the knowledge and skills to be leaders in public health and is organizing several events with that mission in mind.

StuHE President Bryan Batista, Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) Class of 2022, is looking forward to hosting events that not only benefit students in terms of professional development, but also help the community.

The group will host their annual Career Mentor session virtually this year on November 16. The session was made virtual in order to allow more students to be able to meet with mentors who otherwise would not be able to attend. “The event functions like speed dating. Students will get to select up to two mentors and meet with them in 20-minute time slots,” Mr. Batista said. Students must pre-register for the event.

Mr. Batista encourages students who have returned to campus and want to be involved with StuHE to join activities such as the management of the campus micro pantry located outside of the Alumni House. The pantry provides non-perishable food items and other items donated by the NYMC community for those in need. “This pantry is open for students on campus to take what they need and leave what they can,” Mr. Batista said. Suggested items for the pantry include canned beans, soup, fruits and vegetables, peanut butter and jelly and pasta and can be dropped off in the Medical Education Center or with a member of the Office of Public Safety. Students interested in helping maintain the micro pantry can email

Following a successful food drive last year, StuHE is organizing another food drive for Feeding Westchester in the spring semester.

StuHE Officers 2021-2022:

President: Bryan Batista
Vice President: Taylor Gerber
Kiyomie Banks: Co-Director of Strategic Partnerships
Camilla Aniapam-Boafo: Co-Director of Strategic Partnerships
Suvani Baral: Director of Communications and Social Media
Jesus Vasquez: Director of StuHE Newsletter
Marriam Iqbal: Secretary/Treasurer
Allison Asher: Social Media Ambassador/Public Relations