The Family Health Center Provides Quality Care for the Community

The Family Health Center Provides a Wide Range of Healthcare Services for Patients of All Ages

December 13, 2021
Lori Solomon, M.D. ’99, M.P.H. ’09

The Family Health Center at New York Medical College (NYMC) has been a reliable and crucial component to the health of the College and local communities since it opened in 2019. Located on the third floor of 19 Skyline Drive, the Center provides outpatient medical, preventive and urgent care for members of the NYMC, Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) and local communities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Family Health Center began to offer COVID-19 testing and primary doses and booster shots of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Janssen vaccines. Lori Solomon, M.D. ’99, M.P.H. ’09, clinical associate professor and chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine and director of the Center, provides insight into what the Family Health Center offers.

How would you describe the day-to-day functions of the Family Health Center? 

We see patients for a variety of reasons including routine physicals, chronic conditions or urgent medical problems as well as administer vaccinations, teach medical students and engage in research projects.

How does the Family Health Center impact the community? 

As a medical office, we help individuals maintain their health and function. We also act as an information source for the students, staff, faculty and community. We’ve been able to respond quickly to community needs, whether that was COVID-19 testing, telemedicine visits or COVID-19 vaccinations. 

What has been your favorite part about being the medical director of the Center?

My favorite part of directing the Family Health Center is being able to create a practice that is closer to the ideal of meeting patient’s needs in a kind, personable, efficient and longitudinal way. It is very satisfying to be able to quickly meet a community need and make it easier for people to access good medical care.

What is one thing you'd like students to know about the Family Health Center? 

Students control the information we provide to Health Services and we completely respect that. Although we work closely with Health Services, we are an entirely separate entity. We are happy to send health requirements to Health Services if students request, but we do not provide Health Services access to our medical records.

What is a tip you can offer about the Center or its services? 

The Center is open to everyone. We’re happy to help with any concerns.  It can be difficult to know what kind of doctor to see when for a particular symptom. We are a good resource and can help find the right specialist.