The Office of Research Administration Supports NYMC’s Research Endeavors

The Office Plays An Integral Role In Helping Secure Grants And Adhering To The Latest Guidelines

April 25, 2022
Salomon Amar, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Salomon Amar, D.D.S., Ph.D.

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) operates as the hub for research at New York Medical College (NYMC), whether it be submitting applications for grants or ensuring that all research conducted on campus adheres to state and federal guidelines. The Office, led by Salomon Amar, D.D.S., Ph.D., senior vice president for research affairs for Touro University and vice president for research at NYMC, ensures that the College’s robust research community can seamlessly pursue and submit their findings. Dr. Amar offered a look at the Office’s duties.

What are the responsibilities of the Office of Research Administration?

The ORA facilitates all research and sponsors academic programs at NYMC. The ORA receives and disseminates communications from federal and state agencies and foundations, develops policies and procedures responsive to federal regulations and emerging issues, as well as administers intramural sponsored research programs.

How would you describe the day-to-day functions of the Office?

Our grants and contracts team makes information regarding funding sources available to investigators, assists investigators and staff with application preparation and submits applications on behalf of the College. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) coordinates activities to ensure institutional compliance with regulations regarding the use of human subjects in research activities. The ORA also participates in the activities of the Institutional Animal Care and Use and Biosafety Committees to ensure institutional compliance with regulations regarding the care and use of laboratory animals and hazardous materials, as well as upholds federal regulations and policies regarding financial conflict of financial interest in academic activities. On a less frequent basis, the ORA also negotiates and manages research relationships with industry and the transfer of research results to commercial application.

What is the most-asked question from faculty or staff about the Office?

Faculty and staff call when they have an idea for a study and seek assistance with completing a grant application or protocol. All NYMC grant applications are submitted through grants management. Contracts are negotiated and managed in collaboration with the general counsel and IRB committees convene monthly to review protocols for human studies. 

What do you find most interesting or most rewarding about working in the Office?

The most rewarding aspect of working in the office is helping faculty develop and realize their research goals. Faculty range from senior scientists with decades of successful grant experience to assistant professors pursuing their first grant applications. It is especially exciting to work with students applying for fellowships and see the future through their enthusiasm to pursue careers in research.

What is one useful tip you can give about the Office to faculty or staff?

Submit your IRB application well in advance of the meeting deadline to provide time for corrections in order that you can meet your desired IRB meeting date. The ORA reviews many applications, so to ensure your application is given the full attention it deserves, please be sure to follow our guidelines for submitting an application. The guidelines can be found on the ORA webpage