Office of Student Mental Health and Wellness Kickstarts the Wellness Ambassador Program

The Student-led Program Provides Additional Mental Health and Wellness Support

January 02, 2024
A group of students smiling after student wellness ambassador training
Student Wellness Ambassadors 2023

To prioritize mental health and well-being, the Office of Student Mental Health and Wellness (SMHW) proudly launched the College’s first cohort of the Wellness Ambassador Program. The student-led program, open to New York Medical College and Touro College of Dental Medicine students, acts as a liaison to the Office of SMHW and collaborates on initiatives that reflect the strong value the College places on peer support and student involvement in elevating the importance of mental health and wellness of the campus community.

Wellness ambassadors play a crucial role in educating students about available mental health resources, promoting well-being practices, and elevating the significance of emotional and psychological health within the campus environment. Breaking down stigmas around mental health, the ambassadors engage their peers in open conversations, offering support and acting as a bridge to professional services when needed. Additionally, they actively encourage participation in mental health and wellness programs, collaborating with SMHW to develop impactful campus-wide events.
“Our wellness ambassadors are a great point person for the Office,” said Robin Hershkowitz, M.S.W., LCSW-R, left, senior director of SMHW and clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. “Students are often more comfortable going to a peer for help rather than administration. This group can talk with their peers in a different way and now have more extensive knowledge and understanding of our services.”
“I'm thrilled by the enthusiasm that our wellness ambassadors are exhibiting toward this new role and their ability to contribute in this way,” Amy Stern, LCSW-R, right, assistant director of SMHW. “We have mature, compassionate and really impressive students at our College.”
Students are encouraged to contact any of the 15 wellness ambassadors after class, in the halls or by email, if they have any questions about available wellness resources or need someone to speak to. SMHW provides wellness ambassadors with comprehensive training and development in communication, active listening, identification of signs of academic and psychological distress, combatting mental health stigma, stress management, and de-escalation techniques to help students dealing with various stressful situations.

"I have noticed a few friends feeling stressed from their studies and many other issues in their lives," said Donggyoon Hong, left front row, SOM Class of 2027 and wellness ambassador. "By becoming a wellness ambassador, I would like to be able to provide them with real help so that this community that I love can persist strong and healthy."
“Mental health and wellness are unfortunately stigmatized, especially in medicine and with professional advancement,” said Ipsha Banerjee, fifth from right back row, SOM Class of 2026 and wellness ambassador. “Initiatives like this not only provide essential support in the present, but also empower us as students to cultivate a mindset that both acknowledges the importance of seeking help and prioritizes mental wellbeing as an integral component of our future success.”

2023-2024 Wellness Ambassadors

  • Tanishka Wiggins, M.S. Class of 2025  
  • Amit Shah, D.P.T. Class of 2025  
  • Shayla Unger, D.P.T. Class of 2025  
  • Dana Vaughn, SLP Class of 2025  
  • Alexandria Patti, SOM Class of 2026  
  • Bram Roth, SOM Class of 2026  
  • Ipsha Banerjee, SOM Class of 2026  
  • Michelle Cohen, SOM Class of 2026  
  • Rebecca Kann, SOM Class of 2026  
  • Aliza Makovsky, SOM Class of 2027  
  • Amber Jordan, SOM Class of 2027  
  • Donggyoon Hong, SOM Class of 2027  
  • Ilana Feldman, SOM Class of 2027  
  • Rachael Villari, SOM Class of 2027  
  • Tara Nichols, SOM Class of 2027