Luncheon Caps Celebration of Women in Medicine Month at NYMC

NYMC Celebrated By Hosting A Series Of Insightful Seminars On Women In Health Care

October 03, 2022
Women in Medicine Luncheon

The celebration of Women in Medicine Month at NYMC closed with a special luncheon in the Blanche and Albert Willner, M.D. '43 Atrium Lobby on September 30. NYMC students and faculty enjoyed robust and engaged table discussions on a variety of topics affecting women’s careers, including balancing career and family, setting boundaries, priorities and goals and negotiating your worth. 

The luncheon capped a month-long series of events highlighting the ongoing work of women in medicine, science and public health, which were organized by Lori Solomon, M.D. ’99, M.P.H. ’09, chair and clinical associate professor of family and community medicine and director of the Family Health Center, in conjunction with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and included a virtual mentoring session, workshop on microaggression and a presentation on the role of women health professionals in promoting sustainable development, called The Role of Women Health Professionals in Promoting Sustainable Development Goal 3, which was presented by Padmini Murthy, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., M.Phil., CHES, professor of public health and global health director, and Amy Ansehl, R.N., D.N.P., associate dean of student experience and associate professor of public health. Drs. Murthy and Ansehl highlighted the role women play in public health through local and global partnerships to promote good health and well-being in the communities they serve.

“Think globally and act locally. If you do that you have the power to make a difference,” Dr. Murthy told the audience.

Women in Medicine presentations and other NYMC events are available on the NYMC YouTube channel.