Policy on Filming, Videotaping, Photography, and Visual or Audio Recordings

Dated: October 11, 2023
Supersedes: Policy on Filming, Videotaping, Photography and Visual or Audio Recordings dated February 26, 2013

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the policy and procedures, including content, consent and distribution, regarding the filming, videotaping, photographing, digital imaging or other visual or audio recording at New York Medical College (NYMC).

II. Policy

It is the policy of NYMC to require advance written permission from the Office of Public Relations prior to the taking, publication or dissemination of any photograph, film, videotape or recording of NYMC buildings, facilities, property, student, faculty or employee for professional or commercial use.

III. Scope

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, employees, students, student organizations, residents in a College-sponsored or company-directed graduate medical education program, interns, volunteers and authorized visitors. This policy applies to any device or format including the use of cameras, cellphones, smartphones or other visual or audio recording devices.

IV. Procedures

A. Production companies must contact the Office of Public Relations with all filming requests and prior to sending a scout to campus. Approvals must be granted by the Office of Public Relations, General Counsel as well as the Office of Public Safety and a contract must be in place before any commercial filming can take place on the NYMC campus.

B. Permission for still photography and videos will be granted only for the personal use of students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff and trustees of the College.

C. Photography, videotaping or recording authorized by the College which is intended for public affairs purposes will be coordinated with the Office of Public Relations and in accordance with College policies.

D. Photography, videotaping or other recording which is intended for educational purposes will be coordinated by the appropriate school dean, in consultation with the College's Office of Public Relations. Taking, publication or dissemination of any photograph, film, videotape, digital image or other visual or audio recording of any cadaver donated or otherwise provided to or by the College is prohibited. These human remains are to be treated with respect for their humanity and gratitude for their contribution to the advancement of medical education; to act otherwise serves no educational or scientific purpose.

E. Taking, publication or dissemination or other use of any photography, videotape, digital imaging or other visual or audio recording of any patient without the prior written consent of such patient is prohibited. This protects the privacy of patients and is consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA") standards and codes.

F. The Office of Public Relations maintains an electronic image library of photography and videography that is representative of the College’s campus, students, faculty, alumni, events, and overall brand. Departments or offices requiring photography or videography for marketing and communications purposes should contact the Office of Public Relations to access the image library.

G. If a department/office requires new photography or videography they must have approved funds in their budget and the Office of Public Relations will provide a list of approved vendors to work with. Once the shoot is complete, the department/office must provide the Office of Public Relations with the photos/videos to add to the NYMC shared images directory.

H. All photography and videography is copyrighted by New York Medical College and proper permissions must be obtained. If permission for the use of NYMC-owned image or video is granted, credit must be given to New York Medical College.

I. The Office of Public Relations does not have an in-house photographer or videographer. If available, public relations staff can take photos at events that the Office of Public Relations chooses to cover for College publications. A department/office hosting an event may contact the Office of Public Relations two weeks prior to the event to request photography coverage using the online Public Relations Project Request Form. If the Office of Public Relations cannot fulfill a request or if a department/office requires photos for their own purposes, a camera may be signed out on loan.

J. NYMC uses photographs and videos of students, faculty and staff for general publicity in publications, website, social media, promotions, advertising, etc. and reserves the right to take photographs and videos of campus facilities, events, faculty, staff, students and/or visitors on campus or at College-affiliated events. Consent to capture and/or use your image or likeness without remuneration is assumed and your image and/or likeness may at any time be captured by still photography, videography, or other photographic or electronic means. Those who do not wish to be photographed must notify the Office of Public Relations, complete a Photo Opt Out Waiver, notify the camera operator of their opt-out status, and remove themselves from any situations where photographs/videography are being taken. Failure to do so may result in the inclusion of a photograph or video and will be treated as a release.


This policy is effective immediately.

VI. Policy Management and Responsibility

Executive Stakeholder: Vice President for Communications and Strategic Initiatives
Oversight Office: Office of Public Relations