Policy on Public Relations and Stationery Standards

Issue Date: May 1, 2023
Supersedes: PR.101  Stationery Standards dated October 26, 2016
Last Review: May 1, 2023


The purpose of this policy is to establish design and usage standards for New York Medical College’s official stationery and business cards as designated in the current New York Medical College Brand and Communications Style Guide.


It is the policy of New York Medical College (“NYMC” or “College”) to provide established design standards for stationery and business cards in order to protect and enhance the College’s brand. To ensure compliance with these standards, stationery and business cards must be obtained from the Sole Source (defined below) selected by the College. Only administrative offices, academic departments and established centers and institutes that have been approved through appropriate administrative channels can use official NYMC stationery. Stationery is to be used for official College business only and is not for personal use or non-College business-related use.


This policy applies to all members of the College community.


Sole Source – NYMC contracted printing company as determined by the College’s Purchasing and Public Relations departments.


A. NYMC stationery must be ordered in accordance with the New York Medical College Brand and Communications Style Guide using the College’s online ordering system.

B. Instructions for ordering NYMC stationery can be found on the Brand & Services page. 

C. The Vice President of Communications and Strategic Initiatives selects the print vendor and ensures that high production standards are adhered to, including uniformity in paper stock, typography and color.

D. The Office of Public Relations is available to assist members of the College community who have questions that cannot be easily resolved by reference to the New York Medical College Brand and Communications Style Guide.


This policy is effective immediately.


Executive Stakeholder: Vice President of Communications and Strategic Initiatives
Oversight Office: Office of Public Relations