COVID-19 Student Protocol for Exposure, Confirmed or Suspect Infection

Issue Date: January 10, 2023

Supersedes: COVID-19 STUDENT PROTOCOL FOR EXPOSURE and CONFIRMED OR SUSPECT INFECTION dated March 23, 2021, and May 5, 2021, August 18, 2021, March 8, 2022, June 27, 2022 STUDENT TRAVEL DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, August 25, 2021, March 8, 2022, October 20, 2022

Last Review: December 15, 2022


It is the purpose of this policy to define the New York Medical College and Touro College of Dental Medicine (“College”) student protocol when there is exposure to COVID-19 infection, confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection, requirements for compliance with New York State Department of Health (“NYSDOH”) and  Westchester County Department of Health (“WCDH”) regulations for such circumstances, and repercussions in the event of non-compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic.


It is the policy of the College for students to follow isolation and quarantine protocols in accordance with the NYSDOH and WCDH regulations in the event of exposure to and/or confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection.

Students who fail to comply with this policy or the NYSDOH /WCDH procedures for masking, physical distancing, testing, isolation, or quarantine will be subject to removal from courses, removal from clinical rotations, and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from their academic program.

NYMC Health Services office is authorized to approve deviations from this policy as appropriate for the health and safety of the College community.


A. Academic Program Contacts: Persons who will assist for accommodations needed for any academic activities that cannot be completed due to required quarantine or School of Medicine: (first and second year) (third year); (fourth year); Touro College of Dental Medicine:; School of Health Sciences and Practices: or; Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences:

B. Close Contact/ Exposure: Close contact to COVID-19 infection in a community setting is defined as sharing the same household, direct physical contact, direct contact with infectious secretions, or being within 6 feet of a person with COVID- 19 infection for 15 minutes. Close contact in a health care setting is dependent upon the nature of the exposure and the personal protective equipment in  use. Guidance is provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

C. COVID-19 Recovered: History of laboratory confirmed COVID-19 infection within the past 90 days.

D. Excused Absences: Isolation or quarantine will result in potential absences from academic activity. Such absences will be considered excused absences provided the student is compliant with the procedures of this policy.

E. Isolation: A restriction required to prevent spread of infection from persons with confirmed or suspect COVID-19 infection.

F. Quarantine: A restriction required for persons who may be incubating COVID-19 infection due to contact /exposure to infection.

G. The procedures for isolation and for quarantine are as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Up-to-Date COVID-19 Vaccination: Receipt of a complete primary series of a vaccine and receipt of boosters when eligible in accordance with CDC recommendations. 


A. Symptoms of COVID-19 infection may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The median incubation period from exposure to onset of symptoms is 5-7

B. The symptoms of COVID-19 infection are: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. Seek Medical Attention Immediately for trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or

C. COVID-19 infection, whether confirmed or suspect, requires Isolation. For confirmed cases, the duration of Isolation is defined by the NYSDOH. The NYSDOH follows a symptom-based strategy for the discontinuation of isolation. For asymptomatic persons, duration is dependent upon time from the date a diagnostic test was performed. The date of onset of symptoms or, for asymptomatic persons, the date of the positive COVID-19 diagnostic test, is day zero.

D. Persons with COVID-19 infection are considered “infectious” for 48 hours before symptom onset, and thus may expose others to infection during this 48-hour

E. COVID-19 close exposure requires self-quarantine (apart from work or school) only if the exposed person has not been vaccinated or does not have up -to-date vaccination, meaning the person is eligible for a booster but has not received a booster, or is not COVID-19 recovered within 90 days.  The NYSDOH allows persons who are to self-quarantine to continue to attend work or school but they are to obtain a COVID-19 diagnostic test post exposure, not sooner than 5 days post exposure.

F. All cases of confirmed COVID-19 infection are reported to the Westchester County Department of Health.

G. Travel: Due to restrictions that have been placed on travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, and changing prevalence of infection throughout the world, all persons traveling should be up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccines before travel and any specific requirements for testing as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention must be adhered to.


Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Case

  1. Discuss with your physician and notify Health Services of your status.
  2. Send a PDF copy of your diagnostic test result.
  3. Begin isolation immediately as per CDC protocol: COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC
  4. Notify exposures= people you were with within 6 feet for a cumulative 15 minutes, during 48 hours before symptoms or before the positive test for asymptomatic persons.
  5. Health Services will issue a Start Isolation letter which includes the symptom log which must be completed for clearance to return to school. This letter is copied to Academic and Student Affairs contacts of your schools. 
  6. Isolate for 5 days after day of symptom onset or day of positive test if asymptomatic.
  7. Return the  symptom log to Health Services after day 5 if you are clearly improved and are afebrile for at least 24 hours; if not clearly improved continue isolation for 10 days.  
  8. Health Services will issue a clearance from isolation letter to you and your program coordinators.
  9. After release from isolation, continue symptom monitoring for the full 10 days AND wear a surgical face or higher level of protection for the full 10 days after symptom onset . 
  10. Immunocompromised persons may require longer isolation.

Suspected SARS-CoV-2 Case

  1. You may inform Health Services or your physician of your status.
  2. Obtain a SARS-CoV-2 Antigen test a PCR / molecular test.
  3. Begin self isolation as per CDC protocol: COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC if SARS-CoV-2 is strongly suspect.
  4. Health Services has home antigen tests available for your use. Call 914-594-4234 to arrange pick up.   
  5. Health Services will  issue a letter to you and your academic coordinator if SARS-CoV-2 infection is suspect.

COVID-19 Exposure

Up-to Date Vaccination or COVID-19 Recovered Within 90 Days   

NOT Up-to-Date and NOT recovered from COVID-19 within 90 days

  1. Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days.
  2. If symptoms develop: Self-isolate, notify Health Services, and get tested.  
  3. Wear a Face mask in all locations during the 10 days 
  4. If asymptomatic it is STRONGLY ADVISED to obtain a test (antigen or PCR) no sooner than day 5 post-exposure. Only report a positive test to Health Services.  
  1. You may attend school/work but self-quarantine from other activities is recommended by the NYSDOH.
  2. NYSDOH requires testing no sooner than day 5 post-exposure. A positive test must be reported to Health Services.
  3. Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days
  4. If symptoms develop: Self-isolate, notify Health Services, and get tested.   
  5. Wear a face mask in all locations during the 10 days.
  6. A negative test post exposure may be sent to Health Services for inclusion in your medical record.  

Travel Requirements

  1. All persons should be up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccination before travel.
  2. If you test positive for SARS-CoV-2 upon return notify



This policy is effective immediately.


Executive Stakeholder: Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Oversight Office: NYMC Health Services