Annual Consumer Information Disclosure

NYMC = New York Medical College
SOM = School of Medicine
SHSP = School of Health Sciences and Practice
GSBMS = Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences


Information concerning NYMC’s institutional and specialized accreditations is available online at our accreditations page. The college’s professional schools have also received accreditation from the appropriate specialized accrediting agencies. In addition to review of the programs, NYMC continually reviews and assesses the educational programs through student outcomes assessment. 

Academic Programs and Institutional Information

Contact: Registrar | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4495

Information concerning NYMC’s current educational programs, faculty, and course descriptions is available online at NYMC Office of the Registrar. 

Assignment of College Credit 

Contact: Registrar | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4495

College Bulletins/Catalog/Program Overview

Contact: Registrar | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4495

NYMC provides consistent, comparable and transparent information on the characteristics of institutions and students, cost of attendance, success rates, various degree offerings, student engagement with the learning process, and core educational outcomes. The information is intended for students, families, policy-makers, campus faculty and staff, the general public, and other higher education stakeholders.

Catalogs are available on our Policies & Catalogs page.

Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)

Contact: Registrar | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4495

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. NYMC publishes a FERPA notification that delineates student rights under FERPA.

Confidentiality of Student Health Records (HIPAA)

NYMC is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal health information concerning our employees and students. As such, NYMC is fully compliant with the New York State Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Learn more about HIPAA protections.

Copyright Infringement and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policies and Sanctions

Contact: General Counsel | Phone: (914) 594-4567

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 specifies that regulations be published and promulgated regarding institutional efforts to reduce illegal uploading and downloading of copyrighted work through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing on campus networks. The final rules were published in September 2009 and are in effect on July 1, 2010.

The law requires three things:  

  1. Institutions are required to make an annual disclosure to inform students that illegal distribution of copyrighted materials may subject them to criminal may subject them to criminal and civil penalties and describes the steps that institutions will take to detect and punish illegal distribution of copyrighted materials.
  2. Institutions are required to certify to the Secretary of Education that they have developed plans to “effectively combat” the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material. In developing these plans, institutions are required to consider the use of technology-based deterrents. Report language that accompanies the law explicitly states that technology-based deterrents include “bandwidth shaping” and “traffic monitoring to identify the largest bandwidth users,” and indicates that certain education and enforcement programs will also qualify.
  3. Institutions are required, “to the extent practicable,” to offer alternatives to illegal file sharing. Both the practicality and selection of alternatives are to be determined by the institution “in consultation with the chief technology officer or other designated officer of the institution.”

Compliance with Annual Disclosure

NYMC has approved a “File Sharing and Copyright Infringement Policy,” The Copyright Compliance Policy is located on the NYMC policies webpage.

Compliance with Copyright Protection

The Office of Information Technology, pursuant to the Copyright Infringement Policy, monitors the use of the institution’s bandwidth through traffic monitoring and bandwidth shaping to the extent practicable. 

Cost of Attendance (Budgets)

Contact: Office of Student Financial Planning | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4492

Information concerning the cost of attending NYMC is available from the Office of Student Financial Planning. These costs consist of tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and any applicable educational costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest.

Crime Statistics, Campus Security Policies, Crime Log, and Fire Log

Contact: Director of Campus Security | Phone: (914) 594-4226

Emergency Phone: (914) 594-4226 or 911 

Information regarding public safety is provided online at NYMC Public Safety. In the event of an emergency that constitutes an immediate or continuing threat to the college community, the Department of Emergency Preparedness, in conjunction with Campus Security, will issue safety alerts via email, text and/or voice messaging via the “Emergency Alert (Rave Mobile Safety) System”, NYMC’s alert notification system. The Annual Security and Fire Report includes crime statistics and policy statements as required by law. This Report also includes information about police and public safety resources; reporting crimes; coordination between law enforcement agencies; fire and medical emergencies; emergency notification, response and evaluation; evacuation policies; missing student policy; crime prevention; victim support services; the law and NYMC policies; campus facilities; the NYMC Policy on Sexual Harassment; sex offender registry; and the NYMC Drug/Alcohol Policy.

Drug/Alcohol Policy

Contact: Director of Campus Security | Phone: (914) 594-4226

Emergency Phone: (914) 594-4226 or 911 

The drug and alcohol policies can be found on the NYMC policies webpage.

Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

As of June 11, 2021, and beginning with the 2021-2022 academic year, drug related convictions no longer impact a student's eligibility for federal aid. 

Contact: Office of Student Financial Planning | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4492

Prior to the 2021-2022 academic year, Federal law provides that a student who has been convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving financial aid shall not be eligible to receive any federal or institutional grant, loan, or work assistance. There is a separate, written notice of the penalties for drug violations. Please access the Federal Student Aid website regarding drug penalties and violations affecting the eligibility of student aid at Federal Student Aid Eligibility Drug Convictions.

Financial Aid

Contact: Office of Student Financial Planning | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4492

The NYMC financial aid web page includes information about the following: non-need-based federal aid, and any external and institutional financial aid assistance programs.  There is information about eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid. Additional financial aid information is on each individual school/program page and linked to from the NYMC financial web page.

Graduation and Retention Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act); Post-graduation placement

Pursuant to the Student Right-to-Know Act, student outcomes information is available.

Health Information

Contact: Student Health Services | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4234

In accordance with New York State public health laws all students must meet two immunization requirements before registering for classes: they must document immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella, and they must provide formal confirmation as to whether they want to be immunized for Meningitis. Further information regarding these requirements is available online at NYMC Student Health Services.

Any full-time student registered is eligible to enroll in the designated NYMC Health Insurance Plan.

Identity Theft Prevention Policy

Contact: General Counsel | Phone: (914) 594-4567

As required by the FTC's Red Flags Rule, NYMC College has established and will maintain an Identity Theft Prevention Policy, available on the NYMC policies webpage.


Misrepresentation is defined as a false, erroneous or misleading statement made directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student, and any member of the public, an accrediting agency, a state agency or the Department of Education.

A misleading statement includes any statement that has the possibility or tendency to deceive. A statement is any communication made in writing, verbally, electronically, or through other means. This applies to statements made by an institution from one of its representatives, or any third party for which the institution has agreements to provide educational programs or marketing, advertising, recruiting, or admissions services.

Substantial misrepresentation is defined as any misrepresentation on which the person to whom it was made could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person detriment.

NYMC a Member of the Touro College University System, prohibits all forms of substantial misrepresentations or misleading statements, including those made in any advertising or promotional materials.

Missing Student Policy and Notification Procedures

Contact: Director of Campus Security | Phone: (914) 594-4226

Emergency Phone: (914) 594-4226 or 911

NYMC's missing student policy and notification procedures to be followed when a NYMC student has been reported missing for more than 24 hours are available in the NYMC Missing Student Policy, found on the NYMC policies webpage. The report also includes directions for students on how to submit emergency contact and missing person contact information. 

Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal, and Return of Title IV

If a student withdraws or drops a course, NYMC will adhere to its refund policy as published by the individual school. The individual school refund policy contains information regarding the requirements and procedures for students seeking to withdraw officially, this information may be found on the school catalog/bulletin page. Requirements for return of Federal Title IV loans are found on the Federal Title IV Funds Refund Policy.

Services for Students with Disabilities (Accommodations & Accessibility)

Contact: Megan Siemers-Livingston, Office of Academic Support | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-3873

The Director of Accommodations & Accessibility Services, provides disability-related information and referrals for NYMC students, determines eligibility for services and facilitates reasonable accommodations, coordinates disability-related technical assistance and auxiliary aids/services, and provides advocacy. Visit the Academic Excellence page for additional information on services and resources available to students with disabilities.

Social Security Number Policy

Contact: Registrar | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4495

The use of SSN as an identification number within NYMC a member of the Touro College and University system is proscribed.  Rather, NYMC utilizes a unique student identifier - a student identification number.  To protect the privacy of persons whose SSN is collected, all college offices follow strict procedures to ensure Social Security Number security.

Textbook Information/Required Course Materials

The online NYMC Schedule of Classes includes a link to textbook and required materials for each course as soon as the information is available for a given term. Please contact the individual Department Heads for more information.

Transfer of Credits and Articulation Agreements

NYMC programs do not award transfer credits for prior experiential learning.  NYMC School of Medicine, Speech Language Pathology and Doctorate of Physical Therapy do not accept transfer credits.  NYMC School of Health Science and Practice Public Health programs and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences transfer policies can be found on each school's academic regulations page:

NYMC Articulation Agreements can be viewed on individual program admission pages:

Contact: Office of Admissions, School of Health Sciences and Practice | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4510

Contact: Valerie Romeo-Messana, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4110

Voter Registration

Information on voting in local, state, and federal elections, including a copy of the New York voter registration application form, may be accessed at the New York State Voter Registration Site.

College Nondiscrimination Statement

Contact: Employees can contact Regina Williams | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4561

Students can contact Katherine Dillon Smith | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4527 or

Students can contact Anthony M. Sozzo | Email: | Phone: (914) 594-4494

NYMC treats all employees, students, and applicants without unlawful consideration or discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, genetic predisposition, sexual orientation or citizen status in all decisions, including but not limited to recruitment, the administration of its educational programs and activities, hiring, compensation, training and apprenticeship, promotion, upgrading, demotion, downgrading, transfer, layoff, suspension, expulsion and termination, and all other terms and conditions of admission, matriculation, and employment.

Inquiries or complaints concerning the non-discrimination policies should be sent to the contacts listed above.