Policy On Remediating Course Content for AMP Students

Issue Date: August 7, 2024
Supersedes: Policy on Replacement Courses, dated March 27, 2007
Last Review: August 7, 2024

I. Purpose

This policy establishes a means by which students enrolled in the Accelerated Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program (AMP) can remediate an insufficient GPA (below 3.0) following completion of all required core courses.

II. Policy

Students who enroll in the AMP and complete core course requirements with an insufficient GPA (below a 3.0) are allowed to remediate the content of a medical school course(s) by taking an additional graduate-level course(s) as indicated under Section V (Procedures). Remediation of graduate-level courses follows policies for students enrolled in the 2-year Master’s programs.

III. Scope

This policy applies to students in the GSBMS AMP Program.

IV. Definitions

AMP: Accelerated Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program
GSBMS: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
M.S.: Master of Science Degree

V. Procedures

A student in the AMP whose GPA, following the completion of all didactic courses, is below 3.0 will be allowed to remediate content of medical school courses by taking one or more graduate-level courses indicated in Table 1, depending on the content area that is to be remediated. The course identified for remediation should be based on discussions with and approved by the program director. Remediation of graduate school courses (i.e., PHYM 1010, 1020, and BMSM 5160) is accomplished by retaking the course according to our guidelines, which state that courses in the graduate school can be retaken one time. To implement a remediation plan, the GPA needs to be at a sufficient level to allow for remediation within two semesters.


A. Medical School courses, transcript, and GPA calculations: The original grade in the core medical school course being remediated will remain on the student’s permanent academic record and transcript AND will be included in the GPA calculation. An annotation on the transcript will not be required.

B. Graduate School courses, transcript, and GPA calculations: The original grade in the core course being remediated will remain on the student’s permanent academic record and transcript but will be annotated to indicate that it is no longer included in the GPA calculation.

Table 1.

 Course taken during the AMP

 Remediation course(s)



BMSM 5110 Foundational Principles of Molecular Cell Tissue Biology BCHM 1010 (General Biochemistry, 4-credits)
CBAM 1320 (Lectures in Histology, 3-credits)
BMSM 5120 Principles of Disease BCHM 1020 (General Biochemistry, II, 4-credits)
BMSM 5145 Medical Microbiology & Immunology MCRM 1010 (Microbiology 1, 4-credits)



PHYM 1015 Mammalian Physiology I PHYM 1015 Mammalian Physiology I
PHYM 1025 Mammalian Physiology II PHYM 1025 Mammalian Physiology II
BMSM 5160 Effective Scientific Writing BMSM 5160 Effective Scientific Writing

C. Master’s students matriculated in the AMP who must complete a remediation plan must remediate during one year following the end of the regular program timeframe, with the permission of the program director. For additional information regarding the timeframe for completion and fee, refer to the GSBMS M.S. Program Timeframe to Completion Policy.

D. This policy does not pertain to students who have a final GPA of 3.0 or greater.

VI. Effective Date

This policy is effective immediately.

VII. Policy Management

Executive Stakeholder: Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Oversight Office: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Dean’s Office