Campus Security Advisory Committee Policy

Dated: August 26, 2024
Supersedes: Campus Security Policy and Program, dated January 23, 2012
Last Review: August 26, 2024

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for the appointment and conduct of an advisory committee on campus security, in accordance with Section 6431 of Article 129-A of the New York Education Law (“§ 6431”).

II. Policy

It is the policy of New York Medical College (“NYMC”) to establish a Campus Security Advisory Committee (“CSAC” or the “Safety Team”) of at least six members to (1) serve as a forum for reviewing and improving campus safety policies and procedures and (2) report on its findings and recommendations.

III. Scope

This policy applies to NYMC and Touro College of Dental Medicine (“TCDM”).

IV. Procedures

A. Committee Membership. In accordance with § 6431, the CSAC shall consist of at least six members selected by the Director of Public Safety or their designee, using the following criteria:

i. At least half shall be female;

ii. One-third shall be appointed from a list of students that contains at least twice the number to be appointed which is provided by the Student Senate, which list shall include members of all schools on campus;

iii. One-third shall be appointed from a list of faculty members that contains twice the number to be appointed which is provided by the Nominations and Elections Committee of the Faculty; and

iv. One-third shall be selected by the Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or their designee.

B. Additional Invitees. The Director of Public Safety or their designee may invite additional stakeholders from the campus community to join the discussion on a non-voting basis.

C. Areas of Review. The CASC shall meet at least annually to review current campus security policies and procedures and make recommendations for their improvement. It shall specifically review current policies and procedures for:

i. educating the campus community, including security personnel and those persons who advise or supervise students, about sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking offenses pursuant to § 6432 of Article 129-A of the New York Education Law, and bias related and hate crimes pursuant to § 6436 of the New York Education Law;

ii. educating the campus community about personal safety and crime prevention;

iii. reporting sexual assaults, domestic violence, stalking incidents and hate crimes and assisting victims during investigations;

iv. referring complaints to appropriate authorities;

v. counseling victims; and

vi. responding to inquiries from concerned persons.

D. Annual Report. The CASC shall report, in writing, to the Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer on its findings and recommendations at least once each academic year, and such report shall be available upon request.

V. Effective Date

This policy is effective immediately.

VI. Policy Management

Responsible Executive: Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Responsible Office: Director of Public Safety