Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order


The purpose of this policy is to comply with Article 129-A of the New York State Education Law, which requires all colleges and universities to adopt rules for the maintenance of public order governing the conduct of students, faculty, staff, or other persons on college property.


The following activities shall not be permitted and shall be considered violations of College rules:

  1. Any violation of city, state, and federal laws and ordinances affecting the maintenance of order on College premises.
  2. Any actions that recklessly or intentionally endanger the mental or physical health of others.
  3. The forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization.
  4. Any actions not mentioned herein that are otherwise prohibited by any College Codes of Conduct or other policies.


These Rules shall apply to all persons, including students, faculty, all other staff, visitors, guests, licensees, contractors, invitees and all other persons, whether or not their presence is authorized, upon any College property to which the rules apply. They also apply to the same individuals with respect to any other premises or property, under the control of the College, and that are used in teaching, research, administrative service, cultural, recreational, or other programs and activities.


A. Any member of the College community may report a violation of these rules by filing a report with the Office of Public Safety, or by submitting a report under any applicable policies, including the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct policies.

B. It is the responsibility of all faculty, students, and employees to report all incidents of alleged criminal conduct to the College's Office of Public Safety.

C. It is the responsibility of all faculty, students, and employees to cooperate fully in the investigation of violations of these rules.

D. Enforcement shall be consistent with approved College policies and contractual agreements. Enforcement mechanisms for specific categories of violators are below:

  1. Students: Violators will be reported to the student’s respective Dean for enforcement through that school’s relevant conduct process(es).
  2. Faculty: Violators shall be referred to their respective school(s) for enforcement through the process(es) set forth in the Faculty Handbook(s) and other applicable policies.
  3. Other Staff or Administration: Violators shall be referred to Human Resources for investigation in accordance with any applicable agreements, collective bargaining agreements, and College policies.
  4. Non-community members (including invited or uninvited visitors, guests, licensees, invitees, and contractors): The Office of Public Safety shall have the discretion to determine whether a violation has occurred. The Office of Public Safety shall thereafter refer the violation to any appropriate contact on campus for determination of future access.
  5. Organization: Violators shall be referred to the relevant supervising College official.


The penalties listed below will be in addition to possible removal from campus and any criminal penalty under the penal law or any other law to which a member of the campus community, visitor, guests, licensee, contractor, or invitee, or all other persons may be subject.

  1. Students: Penalties may include remediation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate disciplinary action.
  2. Faculty, Staff or Administration: Penalties may include remediation, suspension, or termination from employment, or other appropriate disciplinary action.
  3. Non-community members (including invited or uninvited visitors, guests, licensees, invitees, and contractors): Violations will result in the offender’s immediate removal from the College and possible criminal prosecution and/or permanent barring from the premises.
  4. Organization: If a recognized or unrecognized club or organization authorizes conduct in violation of these Rules, penalties may include rescission of permission for that organization to operate on College property or other appropriate disciplinary action.


This policy is effective immediately.

VII. POLICY MANAGEMENT                   

Responsible Executive: Vice President and Chief Counsel
Responsible Office: Director of Public Safety