Missing Students Living in On-Campus Housing

Date: June 21, 2024
Supersedes:  Policy on Missing Students Living in On-Campus Student Housing, dated February 26, 2013
Last Review: June 21, 2024


The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the investigation into and notification regarding any student who is living in on-campus student housing and who is reported as missing for more than 24 hours or is missing where there are concerns for the protection of life or property regardless of the time frame. 


It is the policy of New York Medical College to comply with procedures set forth by 20 U.S.C. § 1092(j) and Section 6434 of Article 129-A of the New York State Education Law, by timely investigating any report of a missing student who is living in on-campus student housing and notifying any relevant contacts, as provided herein.


This policy applies to all students living in on-campus student housing.


A. Anyone who has reason to believe that an NYMC student living in on-campus student housing has been missing for more than 24 hours—or is missing where there are concerns for the protection of life or property regardless of the time frame—shall report the information immediately to the Office of Public Safety at (914) 594-4226.

B. Upon receiving a report of a missing student who lives in on-campus student housing, the Office of Public Safety will:

  1. Notify the Office of Student and Residential Life and coordinate efforts to determine the following:
    1. If the student is in their room but not responding.
    2. If the student is not present, whether their personal belongings (clothing, toiletries, jewelry etc.) are present.
    3. If there is any obvious indication or evidence in the room suggesting the location of the student.
  2. Interview family members, roommates, known friends, staff, faculty or any other person who may have information regarding the circumstances of the disappearance; when the student was last seen and by whom; and whether there is any indication of foul play, a suicide threat or threat of harm to others.
  3. Obtain a description and photo if available, transmit appropriate radio lookouts and alerts, review the last usage of the student's identification card for door or parking lot access, and review closed circuit camera system located in on-campus student housing or at other common locations throughout campus.

C. The Office of Public Safety will notify local law enforcement if it is unable to locate the student and determines that the student has been missing for more than 24 hours. However, nothing in this policy precludes the Office of Public Safety from calling the police sooner.

D. The Office of Public Safety will immediately notify local law enforcement when a student is missing under suspicious circumstances or where there is evidence of foul play regardless of the time frame.

E. All students living in on-campus student housing are required to provide the Office of Student and Residential Life with emergency contact information at the time they apply for on-campus student housing.

F. Students living in on-campus student housing may confidentially register through the TouroOne portal the names and contact information of the person or persons they wish to be contacted in the event they are reported missing. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in the furtherance of a missing person's investigation will be permitted to have access to this information. Local law enforcement agencies will be notified if a student is determined to be missing even if the student has not registered a contact person. Within 24 hours of the Office of Public Safety’s official determination that the student is missing the Director of Public Safety or his designee or the student's Dean or his or her designee will:

  • Notify the person or persons that the student has designated through the confidential contact registration procedure described in this policy;
  • Notify the student's general emergency contact if no missing emergency contact has been registered;
  • Notify the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s), if the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual.
  • Notify all contacts.

G. The Office of Public Safety shall endeavor to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with local law enforcement agencies to further the purposes of this policy.


This policy is effective immediately.


Responsible Executive: Vice President and Chief Counsel
Responsible Office: Director of Public Safety