SOM Policy on Grade and Evaluation Appeals
Issue Date: March 13, 2025
Supersedes: School of Medicine Policy on Grade and Evaluation Appeals dated December 1, 2023
Last Review: March 13, 2025
The purpose of this policy is to outline the process for grade and evaluation appeals for students in the New York Medical College School of Medicine (NYMC SOM) M.D. Program.
It is the policy of NYMC SOM that all medical students have the opportunity to review and to challenge their grades and academic evaluations. The criteria for an appeal requires evidence of incorrect academic evaluation such as suggestion of bias, calculation/other error, or suggestion of mistreatment.
This policy applies to all medical students, faculty and clinical education programs.
UME – Undergraduate Medical Education
NBME – National Board of Medical Examiners
A. Timeframe
1. Students who wish to appeal a non-NBME examination/course/clerkship/ elective final grade or narrative evaluation must submit an appeal within 10 business days of the receipt of these evaluations.
2. Students who wish to appeal a clinical skills exam grade must submit an appeal within 5 business days of receipt of the grade. Note: if an appeal is successful, the entire clinical skills exam will be rescored.
B. First Level of Appeal
1. A student must document the specific evidence of incorrect academic evaluation as the basis for their appeal using the NYMC SOM Grade Appeal Form and submit the written appeal to the course/clerkship director (“Director”).
2. The Director will review the student’s documented concerns and review available evidence for the appeal.
3. The Director will make a final decision expeditiously, generally within 10 business days of receiving the student’s initial request.
C. Second Level of Appeal
1. If a student believes that the Director did not apply due diligence and take a reasonable course of action in determination of the first-level appeal, the student may escalate their concern by submitting a written second-level appeal, no later than 10 business days after receipt of the first level appeal decision, to the Assistant Dean for that phase of the curriculum.
2. The written second-level appeal must document the basis for the appeal and include all relevant evidence that the Director did not apply due diligence and take a reasonable course of action in determination of the first-level appeal.
3. The Assistant Dean will appoint an ad hoc faculty Grade Appeal Subcommittee (“Committee”), of up to 3 faculty members who have no role in the determination of the student’s grade in question, to provide a recommendation to the Assistant Dean.
4. The charge of the Committee is to determine if due diligence was followed and a reasonable course of action was taken by the Director, and not to re-grade the student. The Committee shall proceed from the assumption that the course grade was justified and the burden of proof (that due diligence was not followed and/or a reasonable course of action was not taken) shall lie with the student.
5. The Committee will review the student’s appeal and any additional evidence the student submits to the Committee. The Committee shall have the authority to investigate the matter fully and to request material from and/or speak to the Director and/or the student.
6. The student will be given an opportunity to present their concerns and answer questions raised by members of the Committee.
7. The Committee will issue a recommendation to the Assistant Dean expeditiously, generally within 10 business days of receiving the student’s appeal.
a. In the event of a conflict of interest by the Assistant Dean, the Dean of UME will assign this task to another assistant dean in UME.
8. The Assistant Dean will review the Committee’s recommendation and second appeal material and will issue a decision to:
a. Affirm the initial grade OR
b. Modify the grade
9. The decision of the Assistant Dean is final and no further appeal is available.
This policy is effective immediately.
Executive Stakeholder: Dean of the School of Medicine
Oversight Office: Office of Undergraduate Medical Education
LCME Standard 11.6 Student Access to Educational Records: A medical school has policies and procedures in place that permit a medical student to review and to challenge the student’s educational records, including the Medical Student Performance Evaluation, if the student considers the information contained therein to be inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate.