SOM Policy on Retake of National Board of Medical Examiners Subject Exams for Phase 2 Medical Students

Dated:  March 13, 2025
Supersedes:  Policy on Retake of National Board of Medical Examiners Subject Exams for Third-Year Medical Students dated April 15, 2021
Last Review:  March 13, 2025


The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Subject Examinations are used at the end of required clerkships to measure learner’s knowledge and understand how an individual’s performance compares to examinees on a national level. The New York Medical College (NYMC) School of Medicine (SOM) requires that Phase 2 medical students meet minimum competency benchmarks on NBME exams. These benchmarks are based on recommendations of the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) and are adopted annually by the SOM Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC).


It is the policy of the SOM that Phase 2 medical students be permitted to retake up to two NBME examinations during a single academic year. Students who are unsuccessful in meeting competency benchmarks on greater than two NBME examinations in a single academic year are subject to review by the Student  Advancement, Promotions, and Review Committee (SAPRC).


This policy applies to all faculty and students in the NYMC SOM.  


NBME: National Board of Medical Examiners
USMLE: United States Medical Licensing Examination
ECC: Education and Curriculum Committee
SAPRC: Student Advancement, Promotions, and Review Committee


A. All students who fail to meet the minimum competency benchmark on any NBME examination are required to discuss remediation options with a dean of student affairs. A student requiring a NBME retake  is also encouraged to consult with the clerkship director in the discipline of the NBME examination and the Office of Academic  Excellence for exam preparation and test-taking strategies. Students in need of reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the Office of Academic  Excellence.

B. To ensure student success and maximize preparation for these examinations, examination retakes must be coordinated using the following guidelines:  

1. Any student wishing to retake an NBME examination must make a formal, written request to the Office of Student Affairs indicating their preference to retake the examination either:

a.  during 2-week independent study elective OR vacation block where an NBME exam is currently administered. Students will not be permitted to simultaneously register for a clinical elective and retake an NBME examination; or
b.  at the end of the academic year

2. Students must submit all requests to retake an NBME examination at least four weeks in advance of the proposed testing date or at the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs or Office of Academic Excellence to ensure that the examination and technology support is available for the student.

3. The final decision regarding the scheduling of a remediation examination is at the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs and will be communicated to the Assistant Dean for Clinical Sciences, Office of Academic Excellence, Director of Education Technology, Chief NBME Proctor, and clerkship director in the discipline of the NBME examination.

C. Overall student performance in clerkships, including NBME examinations, will be monitored by the Student Academic Success Team throughout the year to facilitate cross-communication and monitor ongoing progress throughout the academic year. If a student is unsuccessful in their retake of an NBME examination, the student may be subject to additional actions by the SAPRC.


This policy is effective immediately.


Executive Stakeholder: Dean, School of Medicine
Oversight Office:  Undergraduate Medical Education