Confocal 4D Imaging System

The Zeiss LSM 980 plus Airyscan 2 Confocal System is part of the NYMC Histopathology and Imaging Core. It is located in the Basic Science Building room 245. It is a high-resolution high sensitivity advanced confocal imaging system that is fully equipped for 3D and 4D imaging of live and fixed cells and tissues as well as photobleaching studies. The instrument is available for independent use by approved/experienced investigators, assisted use, as well as a fee for service or collaboration.

The 4D imaging system. A table with a microscope viewing area and a computer next to it

The base of the confocal system is a Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted florescent microscope with Zen-Blue imaging software fully integrated with the LSM 980 confocal system (two multi-alkali PMTs and 1 central GaAsP detector and a 5-diode laser system (405-445-488-561-639 nm). The system has multitrack imaging essential for multiflourescence and colocalization applications using the lasers and 4 detectors (3 internal and Airyscan 2). The Airyscan 2 detection system consists of a calibrated 32-element Gallium Arsenide Phosphide PMT arranged in a compound eye fashion that can be operated in different modes including 3D and 2D super-resolution and Multiplex 4Y and 8Y. In 3D super-resolution mode the Airyscan detector system achieves images with special resolutions of 120 nm in x-y and 250 nm in Z.

The system microscope objectives include:

  1. A super-resolution 63x1.4 NA high resolution objective,
  2. 10x/0.3 NA,
  3. 20x/0.8 NA air objective, and
  4. Long Distance 40X/1.2 NA Multi-Immersion objective.

There is a LSM inverter with internal stage and 40x/1.0 water dipping objective that allows the instrument to be used as an upright florescent microscope. There is a dark plexiglass chamber with heating, stage-top heating and CO2 and humidity control. The system includes a fully motorized scanning x-y state with definitive focus for extended live cell imaging applications. There is an attached high-end workstation with 128 GB RAM, high end graphics card, Zen software, hard drive extension and 10GB Ethernet card.

Core Pricing

All users are expected to be proficient in wide-field florescence microscopy as training is for the Zeiss LSM 980 plus Airyscan 2 and not introductory microscopy. Fee for service arrangements are advised for those individuals with limited florescent microscope experience.

Pricing for NYMC Users

  • $40 per hour for assisted or unassisted use
  • Consultation/Training: Two hours of consultation/training is included free of charge.
  • Extended Live Cell Imaging: $40 per hour for the first three hours and $10 per hour after the first three hours of an imaging protocol.
  • $40 per hour fee for service and consultations
  • Special rates are available for pilot studies or other studies to obtain preliminary data for grant applications.

Pricing for External Users

Charges are $80 per hour for assisted or unassisted use or for fee for service.

Grand & Citation Requirements

The Zeiss LSM 980 plus Airyscan 2 Confocal System was awarded to NYMC through a NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG). All manuscripts that use data obtained with the instrument must include the proper citation for the NIH SIG Award ZEISS LSM 980 plus AIRYSCAN 2 for NYMC Imaging Core 1S10OD028527-01


Dana Mordue, Ph.D.