Diane E. Heck, Ph.D.

Professor Emerita, Public Health School of Health Sciences & Practice


  • Ph.D., Pharmacology and Toxicology, Rutgers University
  • Postgrad, Laboratory for Host Defense Research, Dr. Debra Laskin, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University

Honors and Awards

  • American Thoracic Society New Investigator Research Award
  • Gallo Research Excellence Award
  • Cancer Institute of New Jersey
  • National Institutes of Health Shannon Award for Innovative Research


Dr. Heck's research interests are focused on understanding mechanisms of inflammation and toxicity mediating chemical-induced injury, wound healing, and carcinogenesis. Her recent studies have included developing insights into the pro-inflammatory effects of light on biological systems and the roles of free radicals in the skin, eye, and lung inflammation; her current projects are largely focused on developing medical countermeasures, treatments, and therapeutics to address the effects of chemical toxicants and agents of mass destruction on civilian populations.


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