Nkem Chukwueme, M.D. M.P.H.

Nkem Chukwueme, M.D. M.P.H. is a public health physician with over a decade experience in disease program and grants management, strategic document review, policy development, research, training, monitoring and evaluation of TB/TBHIV disease surveillance. Dr. Chukwueme earned her medical degree from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and obtained her Master of Public Health – MPH in 2014 from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. She is also a JHU certified global health professional and has received extensive training in public health cartography. Prior to pursuing her doctorate, she was regional director for KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, the National TB monitoring and evaluation coordinator in the Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria, was the Country Survey Coordinator for the Nigeria Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey study in 2012 and earned a Presidential merit award in Nigeria for excellent community service. She is currently a Technical Review Panel Member for the Global Fund Geneva and recently enlisted into the World Health Organization pool of Tuberculosis Epidemiological Review Consultants for Africa Countries. Her broad alliance of network base and diverse experience at all program levels from grassroots engagement to Federal levels both in the private and public sector, has afforded her the privilege of being technically sound and culturally competent in the field of public health. Her research interests include, risk factors identifications, barriers to accessing health, outcome assessments to inform policy change, and overall health system strengthening, mostly in infectious disease settings. In her spare time, she practices playing guitar, enjoys reading and loves adventure travelling.

Undergraduate School

University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Undergraduate Major


Graduate School(s)

Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Medical School

University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Focus Area/Interests

  • Disease Surveillance
  • TB/HIV
  • Policy Development
  • Health Systems Strengthening
  • Risk Factor Identification
  • Access to Health
  • Infectious Diseases

Current Position

  • Technical Review Panel Member for the Global Fund Geneva
  • WHO Tuberculosis Epidemiological Review Consultant

Career Experience

  • Over a decade of experience in disease program and grants management
  • Former regional director for KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation
  • Served as the National TB monitoring and evaluation coordinator in Nigeria
  • Country Survey Coordinator for the Nigeria TB Prevalence Survey
  • Recipient of a Presidential merit award for community service in Nigeria