Michelle (YenHusan) Jen, B.S., M.P.H.

Michelle Jen received her Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Wellness with a minor in Biology from Curry College, Milton, MA in 2018. She then went on to graduate from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) University, Boston, MA with a Master of Public Health in Global Health in 2018 and continued with another Master of Science in Clinical Research in 2019. Before joining the Dr.P.H. program at NYMC, Michelle worked for the Brookline Department of Public Health in Boston, working on several projects including reviving non-profit organization Brookline The Friends of Public Health. She has also volunteered in underserved communities abroad in Belize, China, and Thailand throughout her career. Most recently, Michelle worked for the National Burden of Disease Center in Taiwan as a research assistant, participating in analyzing disease burdens in Taiwan. Ms Jen is a Dr.P.H. student at NYMC with research interests in health care access, health policy, delivery, and financing of health care services and the impact of health reforms.

Undergraduate School

Curry College

Undergraduate Major

Community Health and Wellness

Undergraduate Minor


Graduate School(s)

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) University

Focus Area/Interests

  • Health care access
  • Health policy
  • Health care delivery and financing
  • Impact of health reforms
  • Global health research

Career Experience

  • Project coordination at Brookline Department of Public Health
  • Research assistant for the National Burden of Disease Center in Taiwan
  • Volunteering in community health projects internationally