Zaynab Mossolem, M.P.H.

Zaynab Mossolem M.P.H., joined the frontline at Jacobi Medical Center in the ICU where she assisted in treating patients with the ICU medical team as a Coordinating Associate. Her graduate thesis focused on overcoming language barriers in health care delivery, where she proposed health care facilities should adopt an on-call interpreter to assist non-English speaking patients in better understanding what the provider is attempting to communicate. Currently she works for White Plains Hospital Cares by assisting patient’s status post being discharged from the hospital with any questions or after care needs, they may have in order to improve patient quality care. She is pursuing a Doctorate in Public Health (Dr.P.H.) with a special interest in health disparities and social determinants of health with a focus on its impact on the morbidity and mortality in young and middle-aged adults.

Undergraduate School

Mercy College

Undergraduate Major

Health and Natural Sciences

Graduate School(s)

Mercy College

Focus Area/Interests

  • Health disparities
  • Social determinants of health
  • Language barriers in healthcare
  • Improving patient care post-discharge
  • Morbidity and mortality in young and middle-aged adults

Current Position

  • Assisting discharged patients at White Plains Hospital Cares

Career Experience

  • Coordinating Associate, ICU at Jacobi Medical Center

Programs, current section