Areas of Concentration Program

The Areas of Concentration Program (AOC) is designed to provide you with a way to pursue an area of personal interest beyond the standard medical school curriculum. The AOC program consists of additional elective coursework in your area of study and a scholarly capstone project completed in your M4 year. The scholarly capstone project is a rigorous research endeavor that will result in a paper ready to submit for publication in an academic journal. You’ll graduate from this intensive program of study with a certificate in your area of concentration.

Program Requirements

  1. One discipline-specific foundational AOC elective course during the summer between M1 and M2;
  2. Regular attendance at scheduled AOC seminars during the pre-clerkship curriculum
  3. One discipline-specific advanced AOC elective (M4)
  4. A Scholarly Capstone Project in the AOC discipline, due in March of M4.

Concentrations We Offer:

Biomedical Research


The Biomedical Research concentration prepares students to be leaders in the field of biomedical research by promoting a solid understanding of the process of scientific inquiry through participation in a faculty-mentored independent research project, culminating in a scholarly publication or presentation at a national or international conference. Key themes include hypothesis development; data analysis and interpretation; and effective scientific communication techniques, including poster and manuscript preparation.

Advisor: Dr. Mary Petzke (

Biomedical Ethics


The Biomedical Ethics concentration focuses on the different methodologies underlying educational reasoning as they pertain to medical ethics and exposes students to the challenges of trying to resolve ethical conflicts in practice. It aims to increase moral awareness for students, allowing them to develop principled habits that foster personal and professional growth.

Advisor: Prof. Lila Kagedan (

Children’s Environmental Health


The Children’s Environmental Health concentration provides enriched opportunities in core facets of academic children’s environmental health through education, clinical consultation, community advocacy and environmental research. These experiences will allow students to develop a strong foundational knowledge in pediatric environmental health and academic medicine.

Advisors: Dr. Amy Brown ( and Dr. Amy Ansehl (

Drug Development


The drug development process has become increasingly complex as it grows in importance to the lives and health of the population. The Drug Development concentration, offered in collaboration with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, allows students to experience and participate in the process of drug development, from pre-clinical through Phase 3 trials, including the approval and marketing process and reinforces their understanding of clinical study design and critical appraisal.

Advisor: Dr. Yamini Patel (

Global and Population Health


To practice medicine globally one must understand the global forces that integrate and differentiate the various medical systems around the world. The Global and Population Health concentration provides students with a comprehensive education about global health practices. Students may also choose to contribute positively to an international medical mission/rotation.

Advisor: Prof. Lila Kagedan (

Health Equity Leadership


With the increasing call to address health inequities, physicians with leadership skills are instrumental in dismantling those barriers to truly equitable care. In the Health Equity Leadership concentration, students will develop the leadership skills and knowledge to address and mitigate health racism, discrimination, and bias in the health care system and in society overall. 

Advisors: Dr. Mill Etienne ( and Dr. Pamela Ludmer (

Health Policy


Health care comprises nearly 20% of the US economy and clinical decisions are driven in part by health policy and economic incentives. The Health Policy concentration prepares future physicians to practice and lead in a world where reimbursement, insurance, quality, pay for performance, and other features of the US health care system impact on the practice of medicine. 

Advisor: Dr. Adam Block (

Medical Education


The Medical Education concentration provides students the opportunity to focus on teaching, learning, and the skills needed to succeed as a clinician-educator. It prepares students to be leaders in this field by promoting excellence in curriculum development and delivery; teaching and delivery; evaluation and assessment; educational technology and simulation; and leadership skills.

Advisor: Dr. Monica Glina (

Nutrition and Culinary Medicine


The need for new forms of disease prevention and management continues to grow throughout the U.S. healthcare system. To address this, the Nutrition and Culinary Medicine concentration aims to increase the number of future physicians with an evidence-based, culturally competent understanding of nutrition-integrated care, and the necessary skills to deliver it to their patients.

Advisor: Giana DiMaria, MS, RD, CNSC, CCMS (

Registering for Areas of Concentration Courses

Detailed information about open enrollment will be sent to you via email. Online registration generally opens 8 weeks before the start of class.


  • An AOC course may be added or dropped prior to the last day of class.
  • Courses that are dropped will not appear on a transcript.
  • Courses that are not completed and not dropped by the last day of class will result in a grade of No Credit (NC).
  • Withdrawal after the class has ended is not permitted.
  • AOC courses are optional. Only register for the concentration(s) that interest you.

Spring Term
ETHM 6012 Clinical Ethics (Virtual Synchronous)

Summer Term
UMDM 2501 Foundation: Global & Population Health (online)
UMDM 2502 Foundation: Medical Education (online)
UMDM 2503 Foundation: Medical Research (online)
UMDM 2504 Foundation: Children’s Environmental Health (online)
UMDM 2505 Foundation: Nutrition & Cul Med (online)
UMDM 2506 Foundation: Health Policy (online)
UMDM 2507 Foundation: Drug Development (Hybrid)

To Register:

To register for the Area of Concentration classes, please follow these instructions during the open enrollment periods.

  1. Log in to the TouroOne Portal
  2. Click Registration on the left blue sidebar
  3. Click Add/Drop Classes. (This will open as a new tab in your browser.)
  4. Select the appropriate Term
  5. In the Add Classes Worksheet, type the course number (CRN) from above into the box.
  6. Click Submit Changes
  7. The screen will refresh, and you’ll now see these courses under “Current Schedule”
  8. Make sure you see all your courses under “Current Schedule”

To Drop Courses

The drop deadline is on or before the last day of class.

  1. Log in to the TouroOne Portal
  2. Click Registration on the left blue sidebar
  3. Click Add or Drop Classes under Registration tools
  4. SelectTerm and click submit
  5. In the Action pull-down list, select Web Drop/Delete
  6. Click Submit Changes to submit the change to your schedule
  7. Check your schedule to make sure the course was dropped