Sudhir Jain, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Biomedical Sciences
Sudhir Jain square


  • Ph.D., Life Sciences, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India


Dr. Jain’s laboratory is focused on genetic factors dictating the propensity of the population to develop hypertension and related diseased conditions. In particular, they study single nucleotide polymorphisms in the renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) with an emphasis towards the impact of this axis on the genesis of hypertension. With available NIH support, they are employing new engineered mouse lines to dissect differential regulation of target genes, whose polymorphisms have been identified in patients with hypertension. Specifically, the consequences of aging on the progression of renal and cardiovascular complications are tested in their experimental models.


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    Memberships and Affiliations

    • American Heart Association
    • The American Physiological Society
    • New York Academy of Sciences