Angelica Mareş Miceli, M.D., FCAP

Assistant Professor, Pathology, Microbiology and ImmunologyAssistant Course Director, Pathophysiology Teaching Program, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Biomedical Sciences

Angelica Mareş Miceli, M.D., FCAP, is AC/PC board-certified and actively involved in the education of medical students and residents. Dr. Miceli has been a published author of books and articles and has been a guest for presentations. Previously, she was adjunct medical lecturer in the CUNY School of Medicine.


  • M.D., Carol Davila University of General Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Residency, Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical, Westchester Medical Center
  • Fellowship, Cytopathology and Pathology, Mount Sinai Medical Center


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    Teaching Responsibilities

    • Pathology/Pathophysiology