Frank Fan Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor, Pharmacology Biomedical Sciences

Frank Fan Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., joined the Department of Pharmacology at NYMC in 1997 as an instructor and became an assistant professor in 2003. His research career is in the field of eicosanoids and hypertension and working in the role of endogenous carbon monoxide in regulation of vascular reactivity in gracilis muscle arterioles. In 1998, Dr. Zhang was awarded the Merck New Investigator Award from the American Heart Association, Council for High Blood Pressure Research. In 2003, he was appointed assistant professor of pharmacology and received the Scientist Development Grant from American Heart Association and Research Grant from American Lung Association. 

Dr. Zhang's current investigative efforts are to examine the participation of cytochrome P450-derived eicosanoids in the regulation of vascular tone in association with Dr. Michal Schwartzman. He has published more than 45 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, including Hypertension, AJP, JCI and Circulation Research. 


  • M.D., Chongqing University of Medical Sciences
  • Ph.D., Sheffield University


The focus of Dr. Zhang's research is cardiovascular pharmacology, in particular, the regulation of vascular tone. His project utilizes isolated arteries and arterioles to investigate the role of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) in the regulation of myogenic tone, constrictor responsiveness and vascular endothelial function in normotensive and hypertensive animals as it relates to pulmonary and cardiac diseases.


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