NYMC > Departments > Administrative Departments > Student Mental Health and Wellness > Tips and Tools > Sleep

Sleep Resources

SMHW Sleep 2 Infographic 5.18.22 cmFew things impact mental health more than sleep.  Most of us already know that not getting enough sleep makes almost every problem worse, or at the least diminishes our ability to handle stressors.  Maybe you also know that research reveals lack of sleep, on a regular basis, may have long-term health consequences including serious chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. In fact, less than 6 hours of sleep can have serious health consequences.  Sleep is an essential component of wellness, and there are many factors that influence sleep and sleep patterns.

Consider how your sleep habits, consider how much they impact your well-being, and take a step toward improving them.

Sleep and sleep disorders: 

Better Sleep